4 Simple Tips to Improve Writing Skill for Beginners
Read English text
Actually, the ability to write also associated with the ability to read, the more often we read English text the more we are familiar with the English sentences. We can also have a lot of ideas from a lot of reading.
Write regularly
The other way is try to write regularly. Write anything you want to write. It can be a sentence, a paragraph or according to your mood. With that way you will get used to write English.
Improve Vocabulary
It’s also important to improve your vocabulary. It can be started by doing fun activities, not only from a dictionary but we can add vocabulary in other ways such as: singing English songs. It is also important to recall vocabulary that you've learned, example: try to choose a topic and see what vocabulary that you can find on that topic.
Detail on your writing
The other things that also important is detail when you’re writing English. It may about tenses, agreement, capitalization, spelling, and etc. It’s actually related to your grammar. I will discuss just a little about it. You have to use correct tenses based on the time or condition. When you are going to write about the past then you have to use past tense when you are going to write about your habit then use simple present. It’s also important for you to know about the usage of tenses, you can check this on grammar book, also about agreement, the example is when you are using third person singular (she, he, it) as a subject in simple present tense then you have to add s/es in the verb. Technology is so amazing today, you can search the application of grammar checker, you just write your sentence then the application will notice and give you advice the correct one. Usually grammar checker will also notice you if there is a mistake on your spelling and etc. With a lot of writing, you will get better in grammar. It’s ok to learn little by little. When you start learning something, it’s ok not to be perfect at the beginning.
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